Wasn't sure how a new group of people was going to go over. When we walked in, instead of kids sitting on the floor on carpet squares, kids sat in chairs, and their parental folks sat in chairs behind them. Wasn't sure how THAT was going to go, but she surprised me and sat in her chair ~ without touching me ~ for 3 stories. Yay.

After the stories were over it was time for the craft. Today they made these cute paper plate cows. I expected her to freak out ~ but today you get an atypical spirited toddler story. She jumped right up on the chair, picked out crayons, colored the cow, only threw a crayon once and helped me glue the legs, head and tail on.
I'd say she was quite proud of herself and mooed the whole way home at all the cows we saw. :)
All in all a great story time and I think we will try to go again next week.
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