Ok, so I'm reading this book Taming the Spirited Child. I'm finding it very interesting and very useful! In fact, as much as Raising Your Spirited Child helped me understand her, this book I think is going to help me get a handle on it.
The author Michael Popkin is all about setting boundaries, but keeping their spirit intact, by offering choices and building a solid relationship based on mutual respect with your child.
He frequently reminds you in the book not to start using techniques until you have finished the whole book, but I just had the perfect situation for then "when-then technique".
Missy La La was standing in the kitchen, in front of the refrigerator, screaming because ~ well I'm not sure why. I was serving her dinner and I'm not sure she really wanted to eat what I was giving her, although I know it's something she likes. :)
We went to the library today and got a new Elmo video (God help me I couldn't stand to listen to the same 2 we have any more). She really wanted to watch Elmo. I would have probably put it on while she was eating (yeah I know I'm terrible), but I remembered the when-then technique and told her calmly and in a friendly tone of voice that when she finished eating her dinner then she could watch the new Elmo video.
She looked at me, stopped screaming, came in and started eating. She looked at me and said "Elmo" I reminded her when she was done eating then she could watch Elmo.
Lo and behold she started scarfing her food down, and is happily eating/humming behind me as I type. WOW.
Chalk one up for mom today. We also had a lovely time at the playground ~ still no swing, but she did let a little girl hold her hand and help her up the slide stairs. It's progress.
Until next time . . .
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