I find it extremely challenging to work from home with Missy La La. I have tried many many things to make my days productive, both for working and mommying, and to have as little crying, screaming and fit throwing going on.
This is much easier said than done. What I have realized though, is even if I wasn't trying to work, we'd have a lot of the same behaviors going on, so I try not to blame myself for having to work during the day.
I created a schedule to make sure I spend plenty of quality time with her ~ as I can get very wrapped up in my work (I love it so much). I have blocked out work times, and La La times throughout the day and then of course IF she takes a nap I get some quiet work time then. Naps have been getting shorter though, and some days she refuses to go down, but some days I have an hour of quiet to pound out some work.
It's hard though, it's hard when I am sitting at my desk, and my beautiful daughter is poking her head out from under the desk between my legs screaming. A lot of times I just let her sit on my lap while I work, but she often starts messing with everything on the desk. She loves to draw on everything ~except the paper I've given her to draw on~ and she pulls everything apart. This frequently escalates to her throwing pens and just about anything else she can get her hands on.
Today I'm weathering the storm. I keep telling her I'm right here and she needs to do her big girl "work" and go play for a little while. I keep telling her I love her, but today I'm not giving in, and today I will also not get angry and get dragged in to a fight about this. Today I will be the calm leader of this family. I will get my work done, I will take time to play with her, but they will not be at the same time.
Oh, it's getting quieter. hmmm. La La is sitting next to my chair reading a book now. She's stopped screaming. Peace and quiet, if only for a moment. OOOOOOMMMMM :)
Until next time . . .
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