Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Going Gluten Free ~ Raising a Gluten Free Toddler

I was talking to my doula/friend this morning, feeling a little exasperated with Little Missy La La's behavior as of late. When I described some of the things we were dealing with she said, "Food Allergies". It sounds to me like food allergies.

She set me up with another mom friend of hers who has much experience with children and food allergies.

Seeing as Little La La awoke as soon as I removed my boob from her mouth and completely refused to go back to sleep I went ahead and called this mom while she was awake.

We had a long conversation and as she was telling me her story and the story of her children I heard a lot of familiar things. A lot of the behaviors her kids were experiencing are similar, as well as some of the symptoms. Not all of the serious symptoms, but enough to make me wonder if this might be at least part of our problem.

It is seriously daunting even thinking about going gluten free, but I guess it means really just getting back to basics and eating whole foods, which I've been wanting to do anyway. (Goes to show be careful what you ask for ~ the universe will give it to you. Or maybe I should have just been a little more specific. lol) Anyway.

It is possible Hanna's hitting, flailing, throwing things, lack of sleep and lack of weight gain may all be part of this food allergy problem. hmmm.

So, instead of putting content in my newest website I've spent the day looking for more information about just how to go gluten free. I don't think it's going to be too bad for me and La La, I'm just a little concerned about getting my husband on board.

He has at times in our relationship been very adamant about healthy eating ~ strict about having good foods in the house. This is not one of those times. In fact, he just introduced OREOS of all things to the little one. He's bringing in chips and all kinds of crap food. He doesn't seem to listen when I ask him not to. I am here all day, and I just can't seem to control myself when there's a bag of chip or a box of ice cream in this house. :(

Well I don't really want to have to fight with La La any more than necessary about the food changes and I'm sure it will be a battle if the "bad" foods are still in the house. *sigh*

I think the things she will miss the most will be triscuits. :( She really loves triscuits and cheese. I am aware that dairy may be part of this problem as well, but I think we will start with the gluten and move to the dairy if we continue to have problems.

It is kind of exciting to know there might be a solution to the problems we have been experiencing, and I wonder how many spirited or high needs kids might actually have food issues???

Any comments welcome and appreciated.


Unknown said...

So I'm wondering how the gluten-free diet has been going? My 19 month old is umm, I guess we could call him highly-spirited. He is in traditional daycare and is hitting, biting, sitting on his friends, screaming, not sleeping. He just started in March, but is recently very difficult for them to deal with. We are exploring other child care options but really want to explore the root of his behavior. He is also very tiny. Not on the chart yet for weight and about 15% or height. He was an extremely colicky baby. Someone suggested gluten-free, so we're exploring that. Thanks.

jess said...

Would love to hear more about how that goes for you! We've been exploring methods of dealing with our spirited two year old and that's one option we've considered.

My girlfriend gave the gluten free diet a shot for her five year old boy who was getting more and more out of control and the effect was almost instant. He calmed down, listened better, and became more pleasant to be around. Sounds promising!

Leigh said...

Curious to know how it went?