She has managed to drag much of the food from the kitchen and spread it around the house, meanwhile saying "shopping, shopping". :)
The potatoes managed to make it into the cart at least.
Today's been a pretty good day. We went to town for a consignment sale and managed to find some decent clothes for summer. We met up with our usual story time friends but skipped story time today and opted for IHOP instead.
La La was awesome at the restaurant, and other than a little battle over crayons there were no incidents.
She did great on the way home, and as we were almost home she starting saying "nap nap nap".
I'm thinking "Ok, great an easy nap day."
Ha, jokes on me. NO nap today, even with all the I need a nap talk. Oh well. She's hanging on and playing nicely and seems to be doing all right. But it's not 4 o'clock yet.
She slept through the night again last night and that was a pleasant surprise.
Maybe some of these more difficult baby spirited behaviors are heading out. I'm sure I'll get new ones to replace them, but it feels good right now.